Sunday, June 22, 2014



Michael Sean Quinn, Ph.D, J.D., Etc.
1300 West Lynn #208
Austin, Texas 78703
(o) 512-296-2594
(c) 512-656-0503

          Insurance, like many industries, has struggled to keep pace with the complex super-rapid developments  in the intangible cyber-world, some of the dimensions of which are remarkable development of or from tangible computers, the development of multiple X-pads, Y-tabs, and Z-"whatevers,"  the race to new technologies in the provinces of the Internet, and the “super-sonic, near-speed-of-light,” development of uses of technologies in the cyber-world so advanced that “Pads” and “Tabs” seem and may already be are obsolete as of June 30, 2014. (Consider what has been going on in the collective search for the missing Malaysian airliner. Or, consider the fact that we all can closely watch the van Eyk Project as it moves along. 
Computerized information systems and electronic commerce have out-stripped the capacity of the legal system and government to keep up—to regulate not only “the web,” but intranets, social media, and e-commerce in general.  Think of Amazon; think of Stables; think of Target; think of  X them Y then Z, and then on and on. The Internet now even has its own highly sophisticated currencies, “tech-cur,” of which Bitcoin is now the best known example.  
This statement is not intended to suggest that the insurance industry has failed recognized that insurance is desirable and even necessary under many circumstances.  It is necessary for many customers, who become insureds, and it is desirable for many commercial insurers, since e-will have an enormous role in at least the century come. Indeed, all industries already use the various “nets” conducting their businesses.  Again, think about the 2013“Target Incident” in 2013,  or ponder the alleged hackery-caused ruination of the Potash merger deal  in Canada several years ago, with alleged and unconfirmed  hackings of seven, or so, law firms in Toronto that were professionally involved in the deal.  According to a sophisticated article in the Sunday Review section of the June 22, 2014 NYT, hacking and resistance to it is getting more sophisticated very quickly.  The levels, the twists, the turns, the internationalism, the international politics, and on and one, are getting ungraspable, at least for many of us.   (I don't know lawyers who actually do, although many in large national law firms say that they do just that all the time.
The fact that the insurance industry is not keeping up does not mean that insurers are unaware of many of the possibilities for revenue and profits. It only means that the stages of development are yet early, and it implies that there are many more “places” to go.  The decision making players are conscious of the history of the industry.  Not charging a premium in the neighborhood of the  “right premium,” not having enough carriers involved in taking on the risk of loss, not having personnel or enough personnel with the right sets of  knowledge,  whether in underwriting departments, adjustment department, or yet others, has historically lead to numerous bankruptcies, and similar states.  (And I haven’t even started to get to the asbestos insurance catastrophe.)
 Insurers know that prudence in creating entirely new types of insurance—types that may become a front running component of the industry-- is required.  There is no such thing as the instantaneous development of prudence.  All prudence is developed relatively slowing.  Anyone who claims to have acquired prudence with respect to anything
Here is a concrete so-called cyber-world example. So far as I can tell, there has been no such thing as (or only very rarely such a thing as) “network-napping” to be thought of as an analogy to kidnapping. There is such a thing as cyber extortion, but that is about what one might do in the future. Not about what has already happened.  There is such a thing as data (or information) trolling, but it does not appear that there is much in the way of “data-napping, at least, not yet. (Also, I haven’t found much about instances of large scale invasive “data destruction,” i.e., the destruction of the of the data of others.)  If the NYT article just cited is correct, all of that has recently changed.  
Of course, assuming that “data-napping,” “network-napping,” “cyber napping [in general],” “data-destruction,” are all perils, there will be, or already secretly is, insurance protecting insureds from them.  There is a cyber tort that is the opposite of both “-napping” and “destruction”; that is the cyber lockout.  As the reader will know instantly, that is real peril, and there will be insurance against it, as well.  All “perils” are, virtually by definition in the insurance industry, fortuities, to some extent and in some significant ways.  Insurance is for the fortuitous. Indeed, a fundamental axiom of insurance as a concept, if the Principle of Fortuity, a phrase in the industry everyone knows embraces and respects.
It is often said that cyber technologies and their uses are changing and growing at breakneck speed—rather like a super engine racing boat with its remarkable steering capacities. Consider this minor fact, reported in the Wall Street Journal on November 13, 2013: “In 1993. . ., there were only 34 million cellphone subscribers world-wide, compared with more than 6.8 billion today.” (Lockton, Cyber Studies Decoded: A Report on Data Risks, the Law, Risk Mitigation and Insurance p. 3 (February 2012). (This is a many paged commercial pseudo-treatise, financed by a large source, containing data often cited by others, with many citations to respectable sources, or so it would appear. It is easily found on the internet.)  
Of course, it also must be kept in mind that the advances in cellphone technology are also extraordinary. So far as the spread is concerned, I cannot walk down a busy side walk without seeing more than ½ of my fellow walkers doing something with their cellphone. I doubt that many of them are listening to Shostakovitch, discussing him with their colleagues; many of them, for sure are observing and conversing with their friends, or others. Consider how fast all this has happened and is happening. (Is it relevant here to mention that the purchase and use of devices to lock cell phones shut if they appear to have been stolen?)
The insurance industry is not like that. Its ontological constitution is not built for blindingly rapid change! By its very nature, it can’t keep up with the innovative speed found in (or, stimulating) the so-called "cyber world."  In the insurance industry, historically speaking, changes have been more like an aircraft carrier turning and not to speed ahead or turn like a huge engine speed boat.  Even the banking industry moves more quickly.  The role of insurance as “risk guardians” requires this.  The nature of prudence in the area of protection—and that is what insurance is all about, protecting insureds from determinate fractions of worrisome losses—does not leap into consciousness and decision-making straight from a cloud.
To continue this metaphor, insurers carry, as it were, in their heads, all sorts of powerful and useful ideas with semi-details of them, and they will all be considered in a variety of ways. This risk-shifting and “how-to-shift-risks” thinking  is  necessary for the carriers, their balance sheets, and their stockholders, for the stability of the industry, for the policyholders, for others that may need the benefit of coverage (those if any whom the policyholder has injured in a covered way), and for the purpose of being relatively in line with public policy. Of course, as with any innovation, there must be hypotheses about how to go, how to think, how to reserve, what to do next, experiments, and how to deal with the inevitable and instructive mistakes.
One example of the slowness of insurers and catching up to the time is the problem of gambling. Part of the analogy is financial-economic, and another part is political. From the financial side, underwriting parts of the gambling business is nerve racking. Even where gambling is legal and certainly as to online gambling carriers have been slow to get involved in anything but routine coverage, such as property insurance. 
It’s easy to see why. Even in insuring casino buildings, there are very special risks and liability insurance is much more problematic.  Setting premium prices, making sure that application forms are sufficient, making sure that applications are filled out more-or-less correctly, and trying to price premiums in a reasonable way, are all extra problems.  
 In the world of cyber insurance, both of these types of insurance—first party and liability insurances--will have substantial preconditions upon the issuance of policies, e.g., insurers are now and will forever impose requirements on the character and extent of a customer’s security system, whether physical or behavioral.  Determining what these should be is a major project” filled with ideas, debates, advice, more ideas, more debates, more consultation, and intro-company politics.
In addition, there is a historical-political set of problems. For centuries, governments and churches regarded insurance as nothing but gambling, which I think it actually is.  It took a long time for potential insurers to convince their governments, and hence regulators, to either change their minds or look the other way and thereby soon to see the social and economic benefits of having a heavily regulated insurance industry and “un-see” the idea that all sorts of gambling ruins cultures and countries.  
This unconscious collective concern in the industry may be part of the reason that insurer’s are perhaps skittish about moving forward in some areas of the cyber world.  After all, everyone who studies insurance learns a little bit about its history, and that little bit will likely include the “gambling problem” in the business of insurance. Business “memories” regarding regulation can last a very long time.
  In any case, the worries about governmental and institutional problems have made the insurance industry at least somewhat attentive—even if this “watch” is not visible on the surface and so is unconscious (to the extent that institutions can be described as having something like mental states)--not only to what insurance regulators do, but also the tendencies in and histories of governmental actions, probabilities, tendencies, and what is these days called “accountability,” as well as “unknown unknowns.”  In major part, insurance exists to deal with precisely these.  They will be mentioned again presently.
Even though insurers individually and the industry as a whole have moved slowly "forever," amazingly, in the last three or so decades, the industry has thought hard and moved forward in what must be regarded as a fair distance, especially when it is likened to an enormous aircraft carrier.  The enormous need for the shifting of risks—usually in part--has grown immensely in e-commerce, where that term includes all dimensions of businesses involved and the industry has struggled to keep up with this need. That fact is reflected in the diversity of modifiable coverages, large variation in cost, a substantial (though not universal) lack of uniformity and standardization in formulating coverages, even though there is close to uniformity in the topical areas for which there will be coverage. 
The insurance industry realizes where one of the next great sources of profit is to be found, and it now taking chances to get into and stay in the game.  The mail problem, as indicated herein, is inattentiveness in pricing, not to mention new coverages and new languages. This having been said, it is worth noting, in passing, that what coverages there are in a given policy is principally determined by the insuring agreements, the definitions, and the exclusions, though not usually the conditions. In cyber policies, at this point in history, though definitions in all insurance policies are of cardinal importance, the definitions in cyber policies are of even more significance than those found in so-called real world policies. This is especially true for the definitions which are not identical to or pretty much the same as a definition in a real world policy. After all, experienced members of the insurance “community” are already familiar with those definitions policies.
At the same time, a way to slow down the radical innovative process,  it must be conceded that the rapidity of the industries “infant”-to-“early adolescence” changes have depended heavily on existing, reliable, and stable real world policies.  After all, first party coverage in the cyber world resembles that found in the material world; liability insurance is the same way; and so are conditions.  One of the main differences is what is being insured; and what is the nature of the injuries for which there may be coverage. 
So, we have a chaotic business world, ambiguous yet as to what kind of insurance it needs, how much insurance it should have, what it should pay for it.  Uncertainty as to pricing is acute. In addition to this apparently free market, there are conflicting economic currents, and at least as significant, there is hacking, little real evidence of how many will get hurt and for how much, and almost no established law about how to handle it where there are damages and liability.  Of course, this portal is where insurance comes into the fog, and it is in a fog itself.

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